
By Basemark

About us

GPUScore is a division of Basemark that develop and provide performance evaluation tools for consumer electronics, including popular benchmarks like GPUScore and GPU Benchmark.

In addition, Basemark is a forerunning provider of software & tooling solutions for advanced automotive AR application development – Video AR, AR Navigation, AR HUDs and AR Clusters. Our solution, Rocksolid AR, is comprised of developer tools, SDKs and runtimes that are optimized for automotive SW & HW environments.


Our Solutions

  • GPUScore
    Graphics performance benchmarks and testing suites for consumer devices: Relic of Life, The Expedition, Sacred Path, In Vitro & Breaking Limit
  • Basemark GPU
    Graphics performance benchmark
  • Basemark Web
    Web browser perfromance testing tool
  • Automotive AR Software
    Software solution for developing automotive AR applications. For more information, visit

Legal Information

Basemark Oy is a privately held limited liability stock corporation, headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. The company was founded in April 2015 (Finnish register ID 2688018-1). Basemark Oy has two wholly owned subsidiaries, Basemark Inc., registered in Delaware, U.S. and Basemark GmbH registered in Munich, Germany.

Shareholder Information

Majority of company shares are held by founders and key employees, the rest being held by individual angel investors.

Media Kit


CEO, Founder

Tero Sarkkinen


Sami Niska


Minna Karttunen

Head of HR

Paula Wranger

VP & Chief Architect

Soma Muthumanickam

Board of directors

Chairman of the Board

Jussi Harvela

Board Director

Remy de Tonnac

Board Director

Klaus Zimmer


Bruce C Belliveau, CFA


Dr. Kay Segler